Don’t design for “mobile” – design for mobility

Adaptive Path’s Peter Merholz posted an article about “Don’t design for “mobile” – design for mobility”. We really need to understand that the essence of great mobile application design is understanding that a phone is always with you – not that its simply a smaller device.

Some of the points which a developer or designer should consider:

“What we’re realizing is that the key item of concern when designing for mobile is the context in which the device is used. What this means is that discussions of “PC” versus “mobile” are misguided, because we shouldn’t be focusing on the device. We are not designing for mobile — we’re designing for mobility. ”

“A key characteristic of mobility is that the environment around the user is dynamic — they’re walking, driving, on transit, in restaurants, theaters, offices, moving from place to place, context to context. Things around them are constantly changing. ”

It’s true that we’re missing big opportunities when we design for the device, and not for the context in which the device is being used!!

“Read article here”
