The Shape Of Things

Computers are getting smaller, cheaper, spreading further and bringing their power and the power of the network into every space in our lives. But how will those developments change the things around us, how they communicate with us and how we interact with the world, and with information itself?
– Tom Coates


The Future of Communication: Microsoft Future Vision Montage 2019

Wow watch this above video it’s inspiring, beautiful and you will know “what we can do with the other senses and sensors”
See how future of communication is changing!! How will emerging technology improve our productivity in the years ahead? What opportunities will arise from evolving trends and global change?

I love the simplicity of User Interface and how its represented, truly.
Think about it. What you can do 🙂


good article on “Industry trends in prototyping”

trends in prototyping

trends in prototyping

A nice article by Dave Cronin on “Industry trends in prototyping” and work around in different scenarios.

There are various reasons for creating prototypes.

  • Prototypes make your designs better
  • Prototypes facilitate communication
  • Prototypes enable user input and usability assessment
  • Prototypes help assess technical feasibility and reduce development time

“Call it serendipity or even luck, but once you start drawing or making things, you open up new possibilities of discovery.”
