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Rimino – A Human Touch on Mobile Experience

Now here’s the mobile experience made me wow: Project Rimino redefines mobile experience through human factors research and design thinking. Informed by human experience, the project is guided by both observational and experimental design research methods.

The Rimino concept is an E-paper mobile device with a user interface inspired by print posters. Historically, as technology has progressed, devices have become more conspicuous. Rimino challenges this trend and presents the alternative: technology that is more integrated and more sensitive to the human experience.

Rimino concept video represents a future that is envisioned to be more aligned with what we need and want as people instead of our needs and wants being dictated by technology.

Awesome work with great details.


The Mag+Concept: Watch behind the Scene how its conceptualized!

“Sara Öhrvall, director of global R&D at Bonnier, shared her thoughts on bridging the gap between magazine content and the interactivity of the social Web. She talked about how the Mag+ platform aims to “socialize” magazine content, bringing it out of the print magazine and into the online spaces where conversation happens.”

If you missed my previous post about “The Mag+ Digital Magazines Concept” you can read in below link.

Digital Magazines concept: Bonnier Mag+ Prototype

Mag+ live with Popular Science+ digital magazines on Apple ipad



Horizon 2D-3D Map on Mobile!

I found this interesting, its simple and intuitive concept on maps for mobile.

“TAT concept seamlessly combines maps in 2D and 3D. While 2D maps are great for getting a simple overview of a place, 3D maps show you what a place actually looks like. TAT Cascades makes it possible to create maps that combine both approaches, shifting dynamically between 2D and 3D.



Digital Magazines concept: Bonnier Mag+ Prototype

Bonnier R&D Mag+ Prototype

Bonnier R&D’s Mag+ Prototype

Bonnier R&D’s Mag+ Prototype

Bonnier R&D’s Mag+ Prototype

Elegant button free mockup, you can see the above video, its a great insight into how we consume magazines.This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazines on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future.

The concept aims to capture the essence of magazine reading, which people have been enjoying for decades: an engaging and unique reading experience in which high-quality writing and stunning imagery build up immersive stories.

The concept uses the power of digital media to create a rich and meaningful experience, while maintaining the relaxed and curated features of printed magazines. It has been designed for a world in which interactivity, abundant information and unlimited options could be perceived as intrusive and overwhelming.

I would like to hear from you, your experiences, what you like to see in upcoming digital reading experiences. Do you really think Apple ipad can be a game changer in industry! Do people really love reading magazines in handheld digital devices?
