Say Hello to Little Printer :)

I wrote about Berg’s ideas earlier too and their ideas, innovation always give smiles on my face. Something different but connected to physical stuff. So here is another super cool idea they called as “Little Printer” crafted it beautifully. 🙂

“Little Printer lives in your home, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from friends. Use your smartphone to set up subscriptions and Little Printer will gather them together to create a timely, beautiful mini-newspaper.”

You can say its little newspaper which can fit any where plus paper is like a screen that never turns off. You can stick to the fridge or tuck it in your wallet. You can scribble on it or tear it and give it to a friend.

Via BERG Cloud

The Myth of Mobile Context!

Recent discussion at Mobile Portland on the importance of considering “context” in designing mobile products and services. (The Panelists includes Josh Clark, Daniel Davis, Ty Hatch, Rachel Hinman and Tim Kadlec).

“Pick up most books about building web sites or products for mobile and you’ll hear a common refrain extolling you to pay attention to the mobile context. Usually this means paying attention to the fact that people using mobile phones are likely to be on the go, have limited attention, and slow Internet connections. This may have been true in the past, but data suggests that this behavior is changing: 93% of smartphone owners use their smartphones while at home, 62% of people use their mobile phone while watching television, 69% use mobile while shopping, 39% of smartphone owners use their devices in the bathroom.”

Via mobileportland

Watch Video: Flex for Mobile Devices

Via Biskero, Watch the Video from Max 2009 event, Flex for Mobile Devices 🙂

“The initial Slider framework will be optimized to run on high-end smartphones (phones with a processor speed of 400Mhz or more, 128MB of RAM), and will initially target standalone application environments such as Adobe AIR. This matches the category of devices targeted by Flash Player 10.”


Gigabytes S1200: the Flash Lite User Interface

Gigabyte Communications released new smartphone “S1200” which uses Flash Lite for user interface. The phone uses windows mobile OS. To be honest Interface looks good without doubt but i feel there is wow factor is missing.

What you think about it? What can be a new touch interaction? How a phone can be more emotionally designed and defined for fresh thinking!!.
