John Jay of Wieden+Kennedy Talks Creativity

In this Video John Jay talks about his creative process and why you should never adhere to someone’s particular terms or be put into a specific silo.

“Inspiration is about feeling the personal vibe of people who live a way you don’t, do things that you can’t and share what you don’t know, For any creative person, it is our job to be inspired.”

Simon Sinek: If You Don’t Understand People, You Don’t Understand Business

Simon Sinek’s recent talk discusses the importance of trust, authenticity, and meaning. Sinek argues that as individuals and companies, everything that we say and do is a symbol of who we are. And it is only when we communicate our beliefs authentically that we can attract others to our cause, and form the bonds that will empower us to achieve truly great things.

“We’re not good at everything, we’re not good by ourselves,” says Simon Sinek. Our ability to build trust and relationships is the key to our survival as a race, and to thriving as ideamakers.