Simon Sinek’s recent talk discusses the importance of trust, authenticity, and meaning. Sinek argues that as individuals and companies, everything that we say and do is a symbol of who we are. And it is only when we communicate our beliefs authentically that we can attract others to our cause, and form the bonds that will empower us to achieve truly great things.
“We’re not good at everything, we’re not good by ourselves,” says Simon Sinek. Our ability to build trust and relationships is the key to our survival as a race, and to thriving as ideamakers.
I think i’m talking about Adobe max 2010 lately but i saw the demo of Blackberry Playbook using Adobe Air, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 and HTML 5 technology and it impress me a lot with symmetric multiprocessing and multitasking. So i thought to read more about it. Not Sure but it can be a rival of apple ipad beside apple store is huge so its too early too comment on that.
Also if you like to discover how BlackBerry App world can be used to deliver your application to users and generate revenue, watch this recent video from Adobe.
Flowella is a simple, AIR-based design tool that allows you to quickly create prototypes without writing a single line of code. If you are user experience designer or visual designer, this tool can help you. But since it’s from Nokia it supports Symbian devices right now (e.g. 5800, N97, etc). The program outputs Flash Lite or WRT for the interaction mockups.
“Flowella is an easy to use tool that enables designers and developers to create design prototypes — without writing a line of code.
Prototypes are built using images of screen mock-ups and defining links between the screens. This information is then used to create an Adobe Flash Lite 3.0 application or Web Runtime (WRT) widget. These applications can then be run on one of over seventy Nokia devices or in a simulator supplied with Flowella, enabling the application interaction to be assessed.
Key features
Create interactive prototypes in minutes using a WYSIWYG interface.
Compatible with computers running Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows computers.
Export prototypes to Adobe Flash Lite applications and Web Runtime widgets.
Prototype application compatible with over seventy compatible Nokia devices.
Ideal for testing of visual and interaction design.
Via Adobe, They are pleased to announce a beta draft of “Optimizing Mobile Content for the Adobe Flash Platform.” Adobe provided dozens of tips and tricks for improving the performance of ActionScript applications running on mobile devices.
A new article published in Adobe Developer Connection, about Authoring mobile Flash content for multiple screen sizes. Christian Cantrell explain several techniques to help Flash developers author content that will render properly on any device, regardless of its screen resolution and pixel density.
“Adobe recently announced that Adobe Flash Professional CS5 will give Flash developers the ability to build and deploy native iPhone and iPod touch applications. As the Flash Platform continues to proliferate and reach more devices, developers need to adopt techniques for authoring with multiple screen sizes and resolutions in mind. This article discusses several techniques to help Flash developers author content that will render properly on any device, regardless of its screen resolution and pixel density. ”
Adobe is working on couple of new upcoming phones under open screen project like Palm Pre, Motorola Droid and Google Nexus One with the power of Adobe flash player 10.1.
Some important snippets are:
“At CES, Palm demonstrated Flash content in the browser on a Palm Pre. Palm’s press release states that developers can expect to download a free Adobe Flash Player 10.1 plug-in from the Palm App Catalog in the coming months. Palm webOS will be one of the first mobile platforms to support the full Flash Player in the web browser. Here you can check out a quick demo by Adrian Ludwig showing various Flash games from Armor Games and on a Palm Pre.”
“Consumers demand that the same high-quality Web experience they know from the desktop port easily to their mobile experience as well,” said Sanjay Jha, co-CEO of Motorola and CEO of Motorola Mobile Devices. “Working with Adobe to bring rich Flash content to our smartphone portfolio will revolutionize how consumers experience the mobile Web by making it more vivid and interactive than ever before.”
“Flash is an integral part of the Web and delivers rich content, applications and videos to millions,” said David Wadhwani, vice president and general manager, Platform Business at Adobe. “By working with us to bring virtually all Flash content on the Web to its devices, Motorola is ensuring consumers have an uncompromised Web browsing experience no matter where they are.”
Google also announced their new Nexus One. As part of the Open Screen Project, Adobe’s working with Google to make sure that the Nexus One will have Flash Player 10. It’s got a very powerful 1 GhZ chip made by Qualcomm, so you’ll be able to play a ton of games, watch video, and browse other Web content built with Flash. We’re still working on the finishing touches so Flash Player 10.1 isn’t available publicly yet, but we’ll deliver it over the air to existing phones once it’s available. In the meantime, I thought you might like to see this video of some examples Flash content running on this great new phone.”
Adobe Flash Player 10.1 beta 2 now available for PCs. You can read more about the new capabilities of Adobe flash player 10.1. Â here
Dale’s posted a new sneak peak video of the new features in Adobe Device Central CS5.Few important thing as collected from scott:
ADC is not just for mobile phones, it also supports other devices such as those that are in the Adobe Digital Home realm (e.g. TV’s, set top boxes).
Supports community sharing of profiles. Community, Private, and Adobe Certified are all different types of profiles a developer can be using now, as well as sharing with other developers during project development.
Accelerometer for testing against devices that support that sensor.
GPS sensor panel.
Multi-touch panel.
“Dockable UI†just like in other CS products (e.g. Flash). Workspaces are also supported.
Fireworks is now part of the ADC work-flow (BTW: Fireworks is being picked up for mobile design across various device platforms, even iPhone!).
Via Dale, another great video on “Flash Lite for the Digital Home” is the jumping point for application developers to move their existing skills and experience onto an entirely new screen – the TV! In this episode we outline the fundamentals of understanding Flash for TV, and some of the things developers will need to consider.
Via Mark, The LTE Connected Car is a platform for in-car entertainment, navigation, management and services. At MAX 2009 QNX won the mobile and devices award because of their excellence in working with the Flash Platform. Working with the geniuses at Alcatel Lucent QNX have enabled LTE connectivity (read: 4G) into the car to prep for a future of wireless networking at 100x the bandwidth of 3G (100Mbps in theory).
The platform interface is based on Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 running on the RTOS QNX platform with all manner of extensions for GPS, Bluetooth, video playback and even integration into the dashboard.
I hope people will have an awesome experience in the car with new interface design and your car will be always connected 😀
Via Alessandro, Dale Rankine has added a new video tutorial in his Developing with Flash Lite series, this is a simple checklist of some core performance optimzation techniques for helping to make your Flash Lite apps run as smooth as possible.
This session was designed to Learn how to create and distribute Flash Lite applications and content to the largest mobile audience in the world – Nokia phone owners – via Ovi Store. Also discover how to develop Flash Lite applications for Nokia’s touch screen devices.
Via Biskero, Dale posted a new Flash Lite training video to tell us what can we make with Flash Lite.
Here you will look at some of the categories of what can be created using Flash Lite, some demonstrations of applications and content that have been developed by the Flash mobile community.
Via Serge Jespers, Intel’s Developer Forum Engadget recorded a demo of an Intel (an Open Screen Project partner) based set-top box running a Flash based user interface and Flash based applications. The heart of this set-top box is Intel’s CE 3100 Media Processor which according to Engadget “combines an 800MHz Pentium M core with a proprietary video processing core all on one chip. That’s about as much power as a 1.2GHz Atom”.
The video demonstrates the Flash UI on top of a Linux operating system. It shows how you can add Flash based applications on top of a video signal coming from the tuner and run full screen Flash based applications. The future is bright for the Flash Platform! Flash on!
Looks like an early stage development, and lot of work is required in User interface to make them smart!!.
Via Mark, Adobe Device Central CS4 profiles update 5 is available for download. This new update contains 36 new and some updated profiles bringing the total number of supported devices to 738. It includes many profiles like:
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic
Nokia 5630 XpressMusic
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Flash Lite 3.1
Nokia E52
Nokia N86 8MP
Nokia N97
Samsung I8910 HD
All new device profiles are directly available through the Online Device Library in Adobe Device Central CS4. You can double click a new device in the Online Device Library to download it to the local library. Alternatively, right click the device and then choose “Download to Local Library”.
Via Mark Doherty from Adobe gave a sneak peek of upcoming Flash mobile at FITC, 2009.
Some exciting announcements are:
The new upcoming version of Flash Lite 4.0. while Flash 10 for devices is also in the process.
According to Mark, Flash Lite 4.0 supports ActionScript 3, and it is a browser plug-in (i.e. not standalone player). Same for Flash Player 10 for devices – a browser plug-in (in his slide it was showing 10.1 in Device Central 3). AIR for mobile is the standalone player.
Flash Lite 4.0 is for slower, less powerful and memory-constraint devices, and Flash 10 is for more powerful devices, possibly with hardware graphics acceleration.
Mark also shown Device Central 3. It supports some hardware emulation such as accelerometer and geolocation. Custom device profiles can also be created easily in Device Central 3.
SWFPack, a mobile packager (created in AIR) for S60 3rd edition and up, and Windows Mobile 5 & 6. It builds deployment bits (.sis and .cab) for the two platforms with just a few clicks.