Horizon 2D-3D Map on Mobile!

I found this interesting, its simple and intuitive concept on maps for mobile.

“TAT concept seamlessly combines maps in 2D and 3D. While 2D maps are great for getting a simple overview of a place, 3D maps show you what a place actually looks like. TAT Cascades makes it possible to create maps that combine both approaches, shifting dynamically between 2D and 3D.


Future of Screen Technology – Experience video

An “experience video”, that shows how a normal day would be in a couple of years when technologies are affordable enough to be used everywhere. This video is the result of the experiment with Tat open innovation.

You can read more about this experiment here.

I like this, it’s Interesting UI, looks simple & clean.


Dual Drift, a next generation, dual display mobile User Interface

“Dual Drift is a next generation, dual display mobile UI. This TAT Cascades powered UI shows stunning visual effects, 3D graphics and HDMI video output. Dual screens create exiting opportunities for great user experiences and more dynamic UIs with fast actions, adaptive content focus and dual multi-touch. A fully Open GL|ES 2.0 enabled UI running on 2 x WVGA screens, using animated 3D meshes and shader effects like light sources, dynamic colors, reflections and shadows.

“Interesting concept but not sure when we could see devices with this kind of setup, what carriers, manufacturer, or time frames would be involved at this point.!!


Abstract UI: beautiful User interface for mobile

Another beautiful User interface for mobile by TAT, experimental but displaying information in beautiful ways is a huge challenge! Look in to the above video, you will know why i am speaking about it 😉 Day by day data visualization is getting big in picture and many ways to look around them. Here we also need to put our thoughts on how we can make complex things simple to the user. It doesn’t matter what technologies we are using it ultimately final user experience matters a lot.

“We are used to busy idle screens. Information such as missed calls, received messages, widgets on top of your customizable background wallpaper is all trying to get your attention. This is a new take where we go from very precise information to the idle screen as an entity, an abstract map of information. The idle screen will paint and evolve during the day and once you’ve learned its language you will get a whole lot of information just by giving it a glance.”

information is beautiful 🙂
