iGiki.com unveils games for iPhone, developed in Adobe Flash CS3

iGiki.com unveils games for apple iPhone

iGiki.com unveils games for apple iPhone

iGiki.com has announced that it will release several games designed for Apple’s iPhone. The games are developed in Adobe Flash CS3 and are modified for use without a mouse.

“iGiki are on the forefront of developing the technology and products that help people access the hottest content for their glorious mobile devices including the iPhone. and his aim is to ignite smiles around the globe 🙂 ”

Games are separated into GikiSingles, GikiPacks, and GikiMinis. iGiki.com has priced the Arcade GikiPack and Brain KikiPack at $2 for three months, which includes GikiPods with the subscription. GikiMinis are free, and the GikiSingles are available for $1 each for three month periods.

User have to enable Adobe Flash in quicktime to view these demo games in PC browser.

I like this phone preety much as User Interface and design is really cool !! Hope to see soon in my hand 🙂



  1. I’ve just tried to view the games using my iPhone and it doesn’t work. There is no option in Quicktime to enable Flash. I can provide a photo of the site running in Safari on my iPhone – let me know if you’re interested.

  2. Here’s a game that I played on a iPhone today:


    It’s called iWhack. You get to “hammer home” the success of iPhone by whacking Steve Balmer (Microsoft CEO and iPhone critic) every time he pops up on the screen.

  3. The regular site is not optimized for the iPhone, that is why there is the mobile version of the site at http://igiki.com/i.

    The games are going to be in AJAX not Flash/ Quicktime.

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