i2fly featured in cool mobile design catagories on PAGE design magazine :)

i2fly on the cool mobile design showcase of PAGE magazine’s January 2009 issue. I’ve been dreaming of being featured on publications this year and never imagined to be get featured in the beginning of new year. Feeling soo great and a dream come true 🙂
About project:
Mysore dasara is a mobile website designed for Indian festival. you can find the finest information while traveling there, an ultimate travel guide for events schedules, hotels, how to reach, image gallery etc.
You can read about Mysore dasara mobile project here.
Cheers everyone. 🙂
Congratulations Vivek!
HA sehr geil, jetzt hab ich endlich wieder einen Grund, dass ich mir die neue Ausgabe kaufe, find ich sehr spannend, dass auch “nicht” Europäer ihren Beitrag leisten.Muss bei Gelegenheit auch ma wieder meinen Senf abgeben!
Congarts BRO!!! hope to see more….
– Martin
Congrats BRO!!! hope to see more….
– Martin
cooolllneeessss! you should cut that part 😀
Spent some time to read about Mysore dasara mobile project.
Well, i have to say that I like it! My congrats and good luck for futher! That’s a really nice new year gift 🙂
This was a great surprise… Congrats!
Hemanth Sharma
hey congrats!!!
That is a nice achievement Vivek. Keep the designing streak going on.
Congrats Vivek, great to see you in there!
hei Vivek, CONGRATS!! 😉
Thats a great starting. See, things are turning good 🙂
You’ve done, Kudos to you dude. And wish you all lucky.
Congratulations for been spotted.
This is great- congratulations! I hope you make it to more magazines this year…
This is pretty coll. good work viveck
Nice work Vivek! Congrats.
Congrats, nice to see your efforts paying off and getting recognition. Keep up the good work.
Nice work ^^
It’s good to see Kannada texts in a European magazine.